Hello once more friends of Borouz Woodworking for this Wednesday with Wolf Studios I wanted to touch on some of the more recent projects I’ve been working on.
Recently I’ve had some orders put in for some family members who want some custom pens. After receiving all the requests and purchasing the kits and blanks, as well as creating a couple blanks for the orders, I was finally able to start work on the project.

Pen kits ordered from Pen State
I’ve been able to get a few of the pens ready for the turning process and was able to finish off one.

This is how the pen tip looks in the full open writing position. To much of the tip is showing.
Sadly the one that was turned to completion and started to be put together was slightly too short with the blank, by about 2/32nds I think. So when putting the blank and kit together we’d found that it was unable to have the pen tip retract completely.

This is how the pen tip looks in the full closed position. The tip should not be showing at all.
So we’ll be salvaging the pen kit and restarting the process. Take this as a note with a wise saying, measure twice, cut once. Or in this case sand the ends once.

Footprints in the sand pen blank

The finished pen ready for assembly. Seen here in the moments before realizing that to much material was removed during sanding.
Thanks for viewing! I hope you’ve found this information useful.